Somatic Stress Release Coaching

You get ONE wild and glorious life to live and you are worthy of experiencing in through peace, joy and pleasure.

But how do you live this type of life when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and are just white knuckling your way through each day?

The key is to reconnect with your true, authentic self; the self you were created to be. This aspect of self may seem hard to access right now as it might feel lost, forgotten or foreign.

Chronic stress and unresolved trauma create layer upon layer hiding your authentic self. These layers may make you feel unsafe, unseen and unhappy.

Somatic Stress Release (SSR) helps address and peel back the layers of stress and trauma exposing the beautiful, authentic version of you.

I get it, you want to heal, you just don’t have the energy, tools or resources to do so. Maybe you don’t even recognize yourself anymore.

SSR is different that most modalities out there, it’s the missing link along your healing journey and I can’t wait for it to experience it.

It’s time to shed the layers and the heaviness that accompanies so you can live life with more peace, joy and pleasure.

My Mission…

To help women heal from chronic stress, overwhelm and trauma by providing tools and resources through cognitive and somatic stress release. 

Ready to release the layers of chronic stress, overwhelm and trauma so you can live a life characterized by peace, joy and pleasure?